Post news RSS Warcraft 2: Legends of Azeroth. News 2

Hi everyone! We have some news about our project. First of all the saddest news: we’ve faced with some problems with engine, so we decided to refuse to make heroes for a while.

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Hi everyone!
We have some news about our project.
First of all the saddest news: we’ve faced with some problems with engine, so we decided to refuse to make heroes for a while. Abilities of Grom Hellscream will belong to Shaman for a while.
We are planning to make two abilities for Rogue. Stealth - makes Rogue invisible for some period of time. Mortal strike – deals a huge damage to a target unit. AI is already fixed to be able to build new units (Troll warriors and Captains), so you can see it on the latest screens.
Also we changed the list of units, which we want to add. Here it is:

- Troll warrior
- Shaman
- Druid
- Warlock

- Captain
- Rogue
- Dwarf rifleman
- Hunter

Other thing that we already made is re-balancing. Now units of different sides aren’t exactly the same. So the tactic of Horde’s playing is different from Alliance’s. The balance is near to Warcraft 3.
After units we added some new unique upgrades for each side. Also, every new unit will has its own unique abilities, except Troll warrior and Captain: they are just strong units.That’s all for this time. Thank you for taking interest in our project!

Valherran - - 2,456 comments

It doesn't help that the engine is still somewhat unstable too...

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Endytroll Author
Endytroll - - 14 comments

Maybe later we’ll change the engine itself, of course not whole, but the part of it that is interesting us. Or we’ll search an alternative using available resources of engine.

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Cameleo - - 7 comments

Well have you new news ? Your project is fantastic !

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Guest - - 706,608 comments

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