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We have just published a new website with information about the game and screenshots. Check it out and tell us how you like it! (Mobile version is still in development)

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It's been more than one year since we released the trailer of our game. At that time we made commitment to ourselves, that we will work on this game to the point, when the game is perfect. We worked hard and we made really huge progress.

We redesigned the story a couple of times, also the graphics, the programming part...all because we got another idea how to improve this game. And now we are finally ready and we are preparing the game for publishing. Starting today, we are releasing lots of materials from the game. We will show you, what this game is about, what kind of features it has and why it is so amazing.

Cutscene screenshot 2014We have new website prepared, and a couple of screenshots, so you can check out the changes in graphics. Really soon, we will show you some videos, we will give you some information about the story and of course, we will show you every feature of the game.

Thank you for being so patient! Let us know how you like the news. Stay in touch!

And last, but not least. We would like to wish you a happy New Year 2014, the year when GLASS WORLD will be published. So, all the best in 2014.

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