Post news RSS New Website and Hosting

Thanks to Planet Soldier and Game Spy Industries, I have kindly been given hosting for BARD, and my related projects and mods. The website will be given a bit of an overhaul over the next couple weeks, making it look a bit more respectable. I don't plan on going over the top with the design, I will

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Thanks to Planet Soldier and Game Spy Industries, I have kindly been given hosting for BARD, and my related projects and mods. The website will be given a bit of an overhaul over the next couple weeks, making it look a bit more respectable. I don't plan on going over the top with the design, I will try and keep it pretty basic - I'm a modder not a web designer.

The new B.A.R.D website can be found at:

The old URL should now redirect to the new site for those with old bookmarks.


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