Post news RSS New version with mod support!

In order to match the purpose of and not at least to hit the needs of the players we have added a mod support in the latest version of Starfare.

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The latest version brings you guys a mod support that enables you to add or modify the game content or even to create a completely different theme. For all of you who are curios how to make a mod I've written a tutorial explaining how to make a very basic mod for the game. Be sure to check out the tutorials section here! And remember to download the latest version of Starfare from the official website or the local downloads section.

Well, I am really looking forward to the mods you folks will create (or if there will be any). There could be some Star Trek or Star Wars mod but basically anything in space is possibly. I can also imagine a sub marine warfare mod, just to give you some ideas. Whatever, here is what you'll be able to create reading the tutorial:

Tutorial image

If you have any questions or problems please post them to the official forums! Non-mod related questions or ideas are of course welcome as well. Have fun playing around with the new version!

Dorggingoa - - 34 comments

IF I can make some descent models I may make a mod ._.

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ZaPx64 Author
ZaPx64 - - 65 comments

You can also use existing ones from several 3D websites, but you may have to fix their rotation and normals first.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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