Post news RSS New update of The Master's Eye

After a long silence on IndieDB, which saw the official release and a few updates of The Master's Eye. This is what happened in that period.

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As said, there was not much movement of R.G.S. on IndieDB, but this did not mean that nothing happened.

First of all, The Master's Eye was taken out of the Early Access stage and officially released. It also saw a few updates, so we are now at v3.0 and the game is still growing, a new level is planned to be added before the end of this year.

It saw also the decision to drop the demo release, because it took to much time to keep it up to date with the official release.

Support for Windows 7 has also ended, the plan is to gradually revamp the game to Windows10 x64.

It has also been decided to drop the price of the game.

As a reminder of what The Master's Eye is about, a few pictures.

map of Ishkandragh


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