Post news RSS New Update Introduces Several New Parts of DASH

In this update two new major systems are integrated intro the alpha build: the ability to create Worlds out of levels and the Elemental Power Up system! DASH: Danger Action Speed Heroes is a 2D action platformer where all the content is made by you and the fellow DASHers. Currently counting over 120 people testing w +10K runs and +100 unique and exciting levels!

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Welcome to a makeover update with several new implementations to have fun with and test!!

In this update two new major systems are integrated intro the alpha build: the ability to create Worlds out of levels and the Elemental Power Up system! DASH: Danger Action Speed Heroes is a 2D action platformer where all the content is made by you and the fellow DASHers. Currently counting over 120 people testing w +10K runs and +100 unique and exciting levels!

Alpha build 251 is live on Steam.
The new splash screen will tell you a bit about the new DASH World.

tripleDash coding

Introducing Worlds:
- When launching the new update you automatically are signed into DASH World (
- In DASH World you can create lists of levels - called *Worlds*
- A world consists of multiple levels in a series
- You can edit the lists on the site and finally see them in the game as you enter the Play menu (also referred to as Run menu)
- If you are not logged in through the game you will not be able to see our edit your lists
- Once you launch the game it only needs to log you in once as long as you keep your cookie in your browser. If you lose the cookie it will generate one automatically again, so everything should be smooth and painless
- A set of default Worlds is automatically in the game. These can be deleted, edited or updated in DASH World too
- In the Run Menu you will have an option to view custom Worlds or the default filters set by us

splash 251

New Menu and UI Design:
- New Splash Screen design
- New Main Menu design
- New Hero Menu design - removed the Story tab
- New Menu and Level Name font
- Updated main title graphics in Main Menu and Run Menu
- New *action* text font (as you complete levels this text will appear)

new menu screen

- The overall gravity for the game is now lowered by 0.1 - meaning that the Hero's fall speed is a little slower
- The creator now is the one to suggest a Special power up. Before it was the player who set his/her Special in the Story tab (which is now removed). You turn on a special power by snatching an Elemental stone.
- New Elemental Stone system instead of previous Special system: you can max carry 2 stones - for now we have the Blue stone (air) and the Red stone (fire) - you can either have 1 blue and 1 red, or 2 red, or 2 blue. Each blue stone gives you an extra dash and each red stone adds to your dash of fire (creating a wider ranger of fire). One red and one blue is double dash with dash of fire!
- New graphics to show the special power is on and to make more of the power's awesomeness

New Special Powers

(Introducing the triple dash and dash of fire)

Upgrades & Fixes:
- Removed the "P" as the pause button and made Esc the global pause button. More intuitive and needs no legend to explain
- Fixed error in animation when dashing down. Before it would be off to either side with several pixels when dashing downward, making it look like the 'dash cloud' was next to the Hero instead of right behind the Hero
- Duffie has a new rubbery jump sound (after all he is half man half rubber duck)
- Hero's ammo now displayed relative to unique weapon during runs

slapper animation no bg

Resetting user (locally):
- In order to test some new implementations and to get feedback on starting the game in this new state, we will reset all accounts so that local medals will be 0 and your level folder will be set as a new one. You still have the levels in the previous build folder and online if you uploaded it
- You still keep your world records online

New audio:
- New theme in Run Menu ("Get Ready For Runnin' by Baby Duka")
- New button SFXs in Run Menu
- New Special SFXs

- Duffie has a new squeaky and rubbery jump sound (after all he is half man half rubber duck)

- Some levels might be strange to play with the new Special Power feature (triple dash)
- Gamepads still don't function 100% on Linux
- Large levels with over 300 tiles can take several minutes to compress and save on a medium computer
- Erasing the goal tile will in some cases remove an unwanted tile instead
- Walking enemies can strand licking the wall
- Erasing the goal tile will in some cases remove an unwanted tile instead
- Walking enemies can strand licking the wall

There are some surprises (which I won't mention here which I want you to discover yourself) in this build constructed especially to show our appreciation to the community of unstoppable DASHers!

- The DASH Team

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