Post news RSS New Scriptable Particle & FX System

A new Particle and FX system? Oh hell, yes please! :D

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Now then now then! Oh wait I can’t do that anymore… Tie me’ kangaroo down sport? No, not that… Do you wanna be in m……. Bloody hell, the worlds full of toaster fiddlers! Howdy doodly do people! Look, at update! What, did you think we were dead or something? :) No, far, far from it. In fact, just recently the “real world” took over sadly, and I had to move home, which also sadly meant I had to go with a new internet service provider… And I had the insane thought of going with Talk Talk in the UK. They missed FIVE appointmens, cancelled my internet twice and took months before we told them where to go. So now I’m on Sky, I get 10 minutes of free porn a night, and I get to watch Fact or Faked while having me’ tea. Marvellous! More importantly, I’m back online, and I can update with news as and when needed :D

So, first things first :)

OverDose Now Has A Fully Scriptable Particle And FX System

I know, you’re likely thinking if you read that right? Well, we’ve been busy. What most games do these days is hard code a bunch of stuff, flop it out, and let you just get on with it. But we don’t like chains, no sir no way. So we took a leaf out of the legends that are id Software here as well. Everything in OverDose remember is to be fully scriptable and can be changed by even a twerp with notepad. The same goes for all our FX and particle files. Don’t think the effect a bullet makes as it rips into sand? CHANGE IT. Just open the text file, edit it, and save. Boom, done. Who knows, maybe you can even lick our own work and make some pretty sexy effects that we could adopt? It really is as simple as this:


So of course, you get some nice effects where the only real limit is on what you feel you want to do. I can’t wait to see what people come up with for this :)



Website Status?

As I mentioned previously, the website just wasn’t getting enough traffic compared to our ModDB page here, and so we decided to let our contract end and not renew. Both Nicolas and I have our own lives, with our own expenditures, and we do OverDose in our free time. So spending money on a website we couldn’t afford that wasn’t being used seemed like a bit of a silly idea. Granted, when OverDose is ready, the site will be back up and boom… Its on like Donkey Kong. But for now, we will remain using our ModDB site.

Donating To The OverDose Project

As always, the guys here at Team Blur Games are making OverDose with an exceptionally high hourly wage, plus several holidays per month and a monthly bonus. Also, look at that pig flying outside my window? Nah, we don’t get anything for this work, and all work is done in our own time after we manage to sort out our own lives. Donating to the project allows more work to be done, more talent to be hired, the website to go live, and also allows us to look into new and better ways of supporting the game.

So if you’re a true OverDose supporter, any donation, no matter how small, goes a long way to helping us. Any funds we raise will go towards hiring out more talent and funding people for help, which we see as only fair. Its amazing we have gotten so far with so little funding at all, because pushing these visuals, creating this media with some really awesome people, all for free… Its fantastic. But I sure as hell wish we could repay these guys before the game ships, just to keep motivation up more than anything. Any donations, no matter how small, will go a long way. Thank you.


Gavin Stevens
Lead Designer for Team Blur Games [TBG]

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poVoq - - 11 comments

Sounds cool, any plans to make a particle gui editor too?

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