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A new Screenshot for Secluded as well as a bit of talk about what I've been doing and what I'm planning.

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At last, the screenshot I promised a few updates back. I've been working hard on dialogue, revamping the interface and creating new areas.

First off I would like to talk about the new interface. I know I posted about an updated interface a few weeks back but to be honest I wasn't very happy with the functional design of the interface. So I revamped it completely. The biggest change is that to how the game handles notes, in the previous versions, all notes were saved in one single list. This would prove to be a bit of a mess when the player pick up a significant number of notes and need to search for a specific one.

What I did is that I split all readables into four categories: notes, diaries, misc and memos.

Notes: Notes are single sheets of paper.
Diaries: Diaries are dated papers or notes that are part of a diary.
Misc: Misc is anything that doesn't fit into the two categories above, like posters.
Memoes: Memos are like post-its that the player can refer to the current main goal.

That's the big change, other changes are graphical and a bit of cleanup for the main menu. Nothing big there.

And here, as promised the new screenshot:
So what am I going to do next? I'm going to continue to work on content basically. I'm happy with how things are looking right now mechanically so I'm going to focus a lot of creating new areas and developing the story. I'll keep in touch when I have something new to show.

Thank you for showing interest in Secluded, it means a lot to me!


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