Lately work on The Source Ages has been progressing well. It's been slow with just me working, especially because Myst type games take a whole lot of thought to create a very small amount of good content, but I'll get there eventually. What you are seeing in these new screens is part of a puzzle from an Age in the game. The terrain and texturing in these pictures is placeholder at the moment, but the Age will be a quiet tranquil island when it's finished. Once a novelty for a rich D'ni, it's hidden secrets lie waiting to be discovered.
New screens and information.
Lately work on The Source Ages has been progressing well. It's been slow with just me working, especially because Myst type games take a whole lot of thought to create a very small amount of good content, but I'll get there eventually. What you are seeing in these new screens is part of a
Posted by Zeusmeister on
IT'S IN D'NI! :) Nice work guys.
I'd like to see more of this come about.
Yeah, this looks to kick much arse.