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Lately work on The Source Ages has been progressing well. It's been slow with just me working, especially because Myst type games take a whole lot of thought to create a very small amount of good content, but I'll get there eventually. What you are seeing in these new screens is part of a

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Lately work on The Source Ages has been progressing well. It's been slow with just me working, especially because Myst type games take a whole lot of thought to create a very small amount of good content, but I'll get there eventually. What you are seeing in these new screens is part of a puzzle from an Age in the game. The terrain and texturing in these pictures is placeholder at the moment, but the Age will be a quiet tranquil island when it's finished. Once a novelty for a rich D'ni, it's hidden secrets lie waiting to be discovered.

Chess board screen 2 Chess board screen 3
RatoN - - 564 comments

IT'S IN D'NI! :) Nice work guys.

I'd like to see more of this come about.

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methy - - 1,221 comments

Yeah, this looks to kick much arse.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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