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I'm proud to announce Karaski will fly across a vast number of outlets with the help of Plug-in Digital! We are pushing release till March 2nd to give them more prep time, but those who pre-ordered still get to play early :)

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I'm proud to announce Karaski will fly across a vast number of outlets with the help of Plug-in Digital! We are pushing release to March 2nd to give them more prep time, but those who pre-ordered still get to play early :)

Plug in Digital

I'm happy to join the Plug In family and become a part of their divers catalogue! Many interesting and quirky Indies are already there, so we hope we'll fit right at home.

I'd also like to personally apologize to anyone who was counting the days to release and is disappointed by the delay (yea like you exist ;p). The signing happened just a few days ago and I thought it was only fair to give Plug In a bit more time. But as I mentioned, you can still pre-order directly and play next week as originally promised :)

Thank You for Your understanding!

- Jakub, Lead Dev

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