Post news RSS New Oculus Rift Pre-orders Expected To Ship In July

Backorders for the consumer version of the Rift headset have far exceeded Oculus' expectations.

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oculus july

Though the first pre-orders of the Oculus Rift consumer VR headset are expected to ship in April, additional demand has pushed the ship date for anyone pre-ordering a Rift today back to July this year.

As reported by Road To VR, the Oculus Store now shows an expected ship date of July 2016 when adding the Rift to your shopping cart. Speaking to Polygon earlier this month just after Rift pre-orders went live, Oculus founder Palmer Luckey said, "...We sold through in 10 minutes what I thought we were going to sell through in a few hours, which is one of the reasons the site was beginning to buckle."

In a more recent Reddit Ask Me Anything, Luckey mentioned that Oculus does plan to scale up production to meet the overwhelming demand for the Rift. Whether or not this will affect the expected ship date for new Rift pre-orders is unclear, but it hopefully means we won't see that date shift any further back than it has now.

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