In the past I was using for Twisted Gravity free music resources, as my budget is extremely limited. This of course lead to the use of songs that, while they were good, they didn't fit the game completely, as they were not made for it.
However at some point I got contacted by Bocuma (check his stuff, it's amazing: who was willing to work with me. I was really surprised by this, but after some exchange of ideas he proposed a set of amazing songs for the Original Soundtrack of Twisted Gravity. You can check a preview of the songs here:
As you can see, this music is really nice, and fit the game perfectly. There is 5 songs available at the moment, but only 2 of them will be used at launch (one for the menu, and other for the first set of levels) and the rest of them will be used in the future, as new content is added to the game.
Implementing this new music into the game, the final version is ready. Hopefully I should be able to release the game in Android's Play Store in the next few days!