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With the game getting ready to launch soon, we are working hard on ironing out remaining issues, so that you will get the game that you want and deserve.

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Before I go to much into this week's update, I want to talk about designing textures. One thing many people may not know about textures is that it is very easy to overcomplicate them. Oftentimes, the many sources we use as inspiration lead to an avalanche of good ideas, so we start piling one atop another and eventually, instead of a good, cool texture, we end up with an over-designed, bloated mess. As one graphic designer put it, you should keep adding to the design until you realize that you have ruined it, and then go back and do it again, but leave out the last step that killed the design. In our design process we went down the path of trying to cram too many good ideas in, but thankfully we realized the error of our ways and pulled back.

Regarding our current progress: I will say the entire team is really psyched right now about the way things are coming together. We think that the energy and synergy we are finding right now will really show in the final product. So while you wait for the next chapter in the unique Wing Commander franchise, we've got some brand new screenshots to share with you. More after the jump.

Hyperion system Hyperion system
Hyperion system Hyperion system
Hyperion system Hyperion system

In these screenshots you'll see some glimpses of the Hyperion system as well as our upgraded lighting and shielding system. For anyone hungry for more, we've also added some additional video material to our ModDB page. Fans of the Wing Commander III designs will not be disappointed. Take a look!

romnus - - 1,145 comments

I am looking forward to this stellar release more than any "commercial" game coming out before the holidays! :D

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Tolwyn Author
Tolwyn - - 72 comments

So do we, so do we...

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Pra3t0r5 - - 120 comments

WOW, awesome =D

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[FGS]Shadowrunner - - 58 comments

Looks awesome, I played Wing Commander in 1991 and thought it was the best game I've ever played, had no idea people are still working on the game.
Good luck with this...

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palodequeso - - 2 comments

This looks like so much fun!!!

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