With over 350 applications in just under two days, HotelSecurity and I read every single one, and chose 25 very lucky people to be able to beta test The Trenches. Applicants were reviewed based upon their Computer Specifications, Previous Experience, Honesty, and Comments.
And without futher adue, I'm honored to present to you the following 25 gamers as your Quality Control experts: ceacar99, Indikator, Pr0phecy, SlipKoRn, SomeoneEVIL, G@meOver, Killadeuce-LOC, BaK, whiskey_bravo, SgT._BiLkO, Hawk, SlasHerZ, N1Rampage, ItFromBelow, Handshakes, Vimy Ridge Hero, RogueGunner, -silver, *shrug*, Mr. MiNT, DRT-LOC, BadBruzer, XeRo.FuSioN, Acid Laced PenguiN, and finally Avengence. To everybody who applied I thank you for your time and your interst in The Trenches. Don't give up hope, as there are 100+ of you on a waiting list, and if anything may happen to one of those 25, you may still be selected to be a tester!
A note to those 25: Check your e-mails today for information regarding your new status in the TT community. And for everybody else, don't stop checking your e-mails, because you never know when you may be selected...
And on other notes, we've gotten another new map from the_leprechaun! This newest installment of The Trenches is called Schlachtfeld. Check more shots of it out on the mapping page:
I'd also like to wish all Americans a happy and safe Indipendance Day!