Post news RSS New Levels and Components, and a Major Bug Fix

A couple more levels have been added to the game, as well as new components. Also, a very uncomfortable physics bug has been fixed.

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Inverted now has many new levels designed with some quite interesting puzzles. A game hub is also beginning to emerge from paper to computer. On the note of levels, two components have been added. One - quite disastrous, and the other, fairly "mind-blowing".

The disaster comes when you are not expecting it. KUB is quickly sliding down a corridor, and, in a split second, he's gone - vaporized into thin air. "A large, heavy plate has smashed KUB to the ground, and nothing was left of him."
That was my original idea, but because I do not fancy violence, I made it so KUB just disappears, like an image on a old TV screen.

The other addition I made to the game is the "Reverse Ball". A ball that refuses to follow Newton's laws and does the exact opposite: goes up when the gravity is pulling down, and vice versa. This little component opened the door to some more interesting and challenging puzzles.

Many people who have played my game have complained about this *awful* physics bug. When the player was more than half way off a platform, the Ground Detection System (yeah, that's what I call it...) assumed that KUB was already in the air, thus not letting him jump or switch the direction of gravity. Surprisingly, it was a very easy fix, that I did absolutely accidentally, by adding a line of what I thought was useless code.

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