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I decided to revamp alot of the art for the jungle areas. Here's a look at the artwork that I have been doing so far.

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I have been redoing alot of the art for the jungle area of the game for the end of this week. I have learned alot about pixel art since I started making this game and alot of the stuff that was in the jungle areas of the game needed to have these new techniques applied. Better shadows for the underside of objects and a more standardized way of grouping them have really helped me create a more organic feel.

I want the jungle to be a very lush and wild environment. Filled to the brim with danger and excitement. This area will have one of the highest concentration of plants, animals and dangerous monsters in the game. There is an extensive system of vines that are constantly trying to choke everything in the jungle. So lots of the objects will show this, like the giant rocks for example.

Plant life in the jungle is very abundant and thriving. I decided that I would try to add some very large trees to really get this idea of lushness across to the player. This tree is so big that it is the only object on its sprite sheet!

The jungle is definitely one of my favorite areas of the game so far.

Lastly here is one of the many strange creatures that I have planned for this biome. They are probably gonna be called the children of the forest or something like that.

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