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Delve into our new scene and improved graphics and learn what you can do to help!

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Won't back down:

Refusing to settle for "okay", we decided to strive for excellence. With this new cave system, we can comfortably say that the rest of the cave scenes will be a walk in the park in comparison to the trek to the moon we were originally going to have to struggle through. Not only does this signify that our game will look considerably better, but it also means that the load on our shoulders has just been lessened, allowing the game to be finished sooner!

Showing off:

In the video below we will be showing off an example scene of our new cave system, and also a form of cinematic "in-game" cutscene we came across in this asset and learned how to do. We hope you enjoy our little demonstration! Any feedback helps!

Looking for Pre-Alpha Testers:

Wanting to improve our game as much as possible, we'd like to offer access to Grimore: Vengeance Pre-Alpha V.0.5 (and all future versions) of the game to a set amount of people. there aren't many spots, so contact me ASAP to reserve your position. What we hope to gain from this is extreme criticism and great feedback to help us improve the overall feel of our game.

Looking for members:

Leaving no stone unturned, I would like to invite any game designer, developer, modeller, sound engineer, music producer, and programmer to consider joining WillingShade Studios. If you have talent, We could certainly put you to use. So, if you're interested in helping with the development of Grimore: Vengeance simply message my account, or leave a comment down below.

booman - - 3,660 comments

Awesome video! I love the caves! Very detailed, great dark atmosphere... I love the glowing crystals and the spooky lighting.
Keep up the hard work. Looking forward to a Linux port

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cyboerg3d - - 2 comments

Ah the wonders of Unity Asset packs.

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Necrocis Author
Necrocis - - 50 comments

Lovely, isn't it? It allows small studios such as mine to create prototypes for certain things in a game. It's especially useful when lacking any 3D modelers. Which is why we've just hired some. However, whether by buying from an asset store, or paying someone else, money is still spent for a product. Would love to see some constructive comments :) if you'd like to test our game, just send me a private message! Cheers! :)

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Irondust - - 7 comments

If you want costructive criticism, here it is:
1)Nothing wrong with buying assets from store, but you can atleast move them around and create new levels, not just dumping demo scene into the game. These demo scenes supposed to showcase models, not for gameplay, these are not finished levels with beginning, middle and end.
2)Your zombies wear jeans in medieval times. Atleast find medieval zombies, or more appropriate enemies like orcs or skeletons, and teach them to block or dodge to make a combat a little bit more interesting then just clicking enemies to death.

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Necrocis Author
Necrocis - - 50 comments

If you would kindly read the text above the video, you'd see that i very clearly said that it is an example scene (meaning it's not a final product) and that we admit it's an asset :). So that covers your first point... ah, and as to the second, again... this game is in early Alpha and i already made is abundantly clear that we lack 3D artists. Though we did just hire some, as i also already said. That means all current enemy models are to be replaced. If this game were to be released soon, your points would be considered constructive. But alas, this is an early alpha game that's no where near fleshed out. And "clicking enemies to death" is the basis for most games. Private message if you're interested in playing the demo and you can see for yourself what all the hype's about :) cheers!

Reply Good karma+3 votes
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