Post news RSS New Gamemode: Blur

In this new gamemode, it takes the normal game and makes it harder to see through, it can be tough at times as you can’t see that well through the fog, Alittle fact of the day this was going to be realsed as fade but after some discussion we desided not to, but this gamemode finnaly made it to version 1.4 now i got to go work on tomorrow’s teaser which will be our first crossover announcment ;)

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In this new gamemode, it takes the normal game and makes it harder to see through, it can be tough at times as you can’t see that well through the fog, Alittle fact of the day this was going to be realsed as fade but after some discussion we desided not to, but this gamemode finnaly made it to version 1.4 now i got to go work on tomorrow’s teaser which will be our first crossover announcment ;)

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