Post news RSS New Game Unforeseen!

XGDev Studios is officially announcing its first new game in development. Unforeseen is a fantasy adventure game that revolves around a central set of missions the player must complete. However, every action taken by the player causes the world to slightly, but permanently alter.

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XGDev Studios is officially announcing its first new game in development. Unforeseen is a fantasy adventure game that revolves around a central set of missions the player must complete. However, every action taken by the player causes the world to slightly, but permanently alter.

Unforeseen has been in development for ~1 week, and has seen progress from nothing to an empty, traversable world.

Unforeseen will be available sometime in mid 2018, however beta versions may be available as early as February. Unforeseen will be available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, on Steam and XGDev Studios' website (coming soon!).

You can read more about Unfoeseen's gameplay and availability on it's game page.

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