Hi everyone! We have been getting lots of awesome feedback and support lately, we feel very motivated and that's a very good thing because we are working hard towards finishing the demo as soon as possible. We're already drafting on the Kickstarter campaing that we'll be launching next month. We still haven't set a date yet but mid september sounds good to us.
About that... We're putting together a lot of content that we haven't shown yet and some cool rewards for backers to get with the physical cartridges of Kung-Fu UFO. We're very excited (and a little tired tbh :P)
If you are interested in backing us please subscribe our mailing list on www.retronerve.games
We also got some new Patrons on our Patreon page who are really making a difference since we can use that to improve our game and our KS campaign. So... Thank you very much Patreon supporters! :D
In case you haven't seen them yet.. Take a look at a couple of videos that we uploaded recently, one with the Game Over screen and the other one with the game running on a Mega Everdrive cart on an original SEGA console.
Hope that you like what we're doing and please consider helping us and following Retro Nerve on social media.