What's this? Two updates in two days? Surely something must be amiss! - Well no actually, I just thought I'd show off some tweaks I've made to the engine on the buggy. I've decided to take a bit of a break from Sound effects and play around in 3dsMax and Photoshop a bit instead.
Here we can see the old car on the left hand side of the image, with it's horrid shiney pipes and big "block" engine. And on the right hand side (Or "after") is the new car with it's new more complicated engine shape and tweaks to it's materials. I've gone for a more matte look but I might still change it) - Overall though I think the car 'sits' much better in the scene now.
Here's another close up picture of the engine.
And that's about it basically! :) Hope you like it.
(oh yeah, ignore the flat tires on the car... that's just because I've not lined it up with the ground properly (I don't usually bother because the physics usually sort that out))
good job, it really looks more polished :)
Love it! Great modeling job.
the improvement is really great
Thanks for the feedback guys! :)
I couldn't resist tweaking the exhaust pipes too, (I'll put up a screenshot of them soon perhaps)
In the "after" photo, I even spotted a bug.. so it's a win all round :) (bonus points if anyone can spot it - although I'd doubt why anyone would)