Post news RSS New Consortium Units Update Part 1

Hello everyone, sorry about slowly this is going. Mando is making a lot of models from scratch and I have lost my ability to do any more than edit code. Expect lots done in December tho, as I will once again have the capabilities for modding. This is the main list of confirmed Consortium space units, not including heroes...sorry next update maybe.

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The Consortium has been undergoing a massive overhaul of it's fleet at the hands of Uria Fen. The older tech is still used as Uria has a waste not want not perspective of ships and soldiers. Uria's new fleet relies heavily on mandalorian and smugglar technologies.

Starviper weapons platform
Skipray blastboat
T-Wing Interceptor
RB-22 "Spearbooster"
Davaab fighter

Adenn Assault Ship

Interceptor IV
Vengeance Frigate
Consortium Strike Frigate

Agressor Destroyer
Kedable Battleship
Kyramud-II Battleship
Kandosii-Class Dreadnaught

Mandator MkII

There are probably a few that I have forgotten but this is the current Consortium fleet. Fighters, Corvettes and Frigates will all have unlimited builds, but Captials will have a build limit of 30 (will probably change) each, but the kandosii will have a build limit of ~10. The Mandator will be a Hero ship similar to the Executor, with a build limit of 1 and won't be available in skimish.

elite879 - - 432 comments

Argh, I hate it when mods have 3+ different fighter units, it make it hell during a battle to select them all.

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Guardian14 Author
Guardian14 - - 1,019 comments

Well I'm sorry that you feel that way, but it is my mod and most of those fighters are buildable only under certain situations or conditions.

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