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I've been working on Gladiators for a long time, and I'm really not satisfied of the results...

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I've been working on Gladiators for a long time, and I'm really not satisfied of the results... The concept was great, heroes fighting each other, with cool stuff and abilities. But it was really hard to balance, and worse, absolutely annoying. Why ? Because once you've bought your stuff, you only have to select your target, and watch two heroes figth eachother. There is no tactic, no fun (except for the angry marine), it's long and annoying...

So, I've change my mind, and I choose to create another type of mod. This is Hero Line Wars (taken from Warcraft III). This is a team fight (3 heroes each team), where you've to send creeps to your ennemies, and fight those they have sent. You earn money by a system of income, so you can buy stuff to a shop, skills, abilities, and more dangerous creeps... I tried with some IA players, it's really funnier, because you have to balance your attacks and your defense, to be sure not to be overwhelmed by your ennemies, and not to be weak in face of the new creeps.

Moreover, I don't completely throw Gladiators in the dust bin. I keep it in mind, but I'll have to improve the global concept... Besides, doing the mod from the beginning allowed me to improve my modding skills, with more files/folders, to be more efficient and organized. And the most interesting thing is now I can put several mods in one ! So, I would put Hero Line Wars, Gladiators and maybe a Tower Defense Mod together ! But this will need time, I will release each mod separately first, and group them after each release.

I hope you're not disappointed, because I really do that to improve my mod playability :D

Predalienator - - 1,327 comments

So its like DOTA but in 40k?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Dharkhar Author
Dharkhar - - 21 comments

No, in DotA you can't send creeps, and you can fight other heroes. Here it's not the case.
But I'm thinking about this kind of mod...

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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