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We have a couple new screenshots here for you all. We've done a bit of re lighting on some of the levels.

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Hey Guys, We have a couple new screenshots here for you all. We've done a bit of re lighting on some of the levels. The first screen features one our bosses smashing away at the poor sminis. The smini is also running around with one of the hidden helmets that can be found and equipped throughout the game. The second shot is from a fun little level in the game where you are navigating your sminis from a top down angle to get them all to safety. And last but not least is a progress shot of some helmets that you will be able to locate throughout the game. We wanted to give you all a sneak peak.

Also be on the lookout for a new demo video that we will most likely be releasing within the next day. This video will feature some levels with their new and improved lighting as well a look at one of the evil smini smashing bosses.


Till next time,

TheUnabridgedGamer - - 1,671 comments

A Big Daddy Sminis! And a dovahkin... well at least one of them is awesome! I'm still a bit curious how a boss battle could work in a game like this.

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AngryRockStudios Author
AngryRockStudios - - 57 comments

haha yea. There are more helmets to be found through the games and even more that we'll be adding with the updates.

Boss Battle are fun and add a little cinematic feel to it. Each zone with it's own unique boss that tries to prevent the sminis from escaping :D

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TheUnabridgedGamer - - 1,671 comments

Aye but to be clear this is a bit like Lemmings, yes? I find a boss battle in such a game... a curious idea. I hope you guys succeed at making it work.

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AngryRockStudios Author
AngryRockStudios - - 57 comments

Somewhat in the sense that the sminis move on their own and you control them in a stop/go fashion. In a boss battle you have to get a certain amount of sminis across at a time which triggers a switch which cause some damage to the boss. Once the required amount of switches are triggered you defeat the boss :D

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AngryRockStudios Author
AngryRockStudios - - 57 comments

Basically the boss battles are a more cinematic version of what the rest of the levels typically are. They are there to cap off the zones in an even more exciting way. There's not much traditionally related to a "boss battle" aside from the fact that they have an actual character that you are trying to avoid being destroyed by. Its just supposed to make it more climactic and fun when you reach the end of a zone.

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