Woohoo, Neofeud is in the top 25 Cyberpunk Games! (Up there with Deus Ex, what an honor!)
When the game sites start throwing you on the listicles in the run-up to CP 2077, that's how you know you've arrived lol.
If you were thinking about picking it up, Neofeud is on sale for 6 more days! :) Store.steampowered.com
Also, here is a sneak-peek of a brand new Cyberpunk RPG I am working on with a larger team. Still early days but we're going for a late 90's aesthetic, and gameplay in the vein of Deus Ex 1!
If you'd like to get updates on this game, right now the best way is to follow me on Twitter @SilvrSpookGames
Finally, here is the latest Silver Spook livestream:
I've been moving them generally to Saturday around 12-1 PM PST. I talk about cyberpunk, some of the latest cool indie gems coming out, and if you are an indie dev, I like to give shoutouts in the stream. If you're a fan, feel free to jump in and interact! :)