In Advance, I apologize to anyone who attempted to download the 2/3rds completion version today.
I have taken down the download just to clean up the downloads section, though I think enough people have downloaded it to tell me opinions of how the mod is so far.
At some point, maybe I'll re-authorize download of it. Or if I want it to be easier on my side, I'll just probably post a link to my cloud storage. (Also, there maybe a lot of you there who'd post the mods files on the internet someplace else anyways so eh)
Anywhoo, the time has come for me to start working on the third faction, the Earth's Saviors.
They're primarily the Lawful Good in the story. They propose to save Earth from Biological Eradication-- no matter what deems necessary.
They are still practically GLA. Only with more modern technologies, that compared to the factions that preceded it is on the low-end on the technology scale. Think of them as GLA but with the "heroic"-sounding intentions of what you know of the United Nations.
Their palette will consist of Yellow and Brown-- or in general, a desert-look. Or a-- Tan color stuff like that. Just because they're probably the Army closest to our current reality, this does not mean they wont have any silly units too. There will be silly units on this faction too. Zeerust as a trope demands it, I suppose.
The three tech trees it has are:
Infantry Divisions - Access to Advanced Infantry Units
Homeworld Defense - If you like turtling, this is the one for you.
Awareness and Aerial Assault - Focusing on heavy Air Units, detection and stealth.
I have already sketched up a few ideas here and there, so expect me to post the new stuff here soon!