Post news RSS More Realistic Tank Combat Model

The latest updates for this Brothers in Arms mod include a more realistic tank shell damage system, better AI, new custom weapon settings and a lot of bug fixes.

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There have been plenty of updates to this mod since the last news article. I'll go back to highlight some of the progress over the last few years another time, but you can check the ReadMe if you can't wait. For today, let's just take a look at the latest mutator.

Real Tank Shells Mutator
Ever get bored of the tank-to-tank combat slugfest in Brothers in Arms? Two tanks kind of just park facing each other and just fire shell after shell. It goes on for a while, then one of them blows up. No real sense of danger or realistic tank combat. Well, I fixed that.

Old Damage Model: Pea Shooters
In the default unmodded game, tank shells do the minimum damage to other tanks no matter where they hit: front, side, or rear. They do less than any other anti-tank weapon in the game. They also often did no damage when hitting the direct front or rear of the larger tanks.

New and Improved: Deadly Cannons
With the RealTankShells mutator, tanks take more damage from enemy tank fire, especially from the side or rear. It will use the same damage model as with other anti-tank weapons such as the Panzerfaust, and the damage can be scaled using the CustomWeapons mutator. Direct hits to the front or rear will now register as a hit, fixing an old Gearbox bug.

With the CustomWeapons mutator, you can also increase the anti-tank weapon damage, which means you can set it so that a tank will be destroyed with only one hit to the rear from an enemy tank's cannon.

Now, Tactics!
With these changes, tank battles will require much more maneuvering, forcing you to position your tank to do maximum damage while protecting it from more devastating fire. Try distracting enemy armor, setting up an ambush, and luring it into your line of fire.

Natural Weapon Sway
You will also note that the weapon sways a bit in your hands in first person view with the RealSights mod. It's a small touch, but you should feel the "weight" of the weapon a little more.

Bug Fixes and Other Stuff
I won't mention them all here, but it includes some fixes to grenades' flight path with WZGravity and some new CustomWeapons settings for scopes and damage amounts. I also tweaked the WarZone AI a bit to try to make it less aggressive in advancing.

Mods For Mac OS X!
In case you missed it, I finally posted a Mac version of the mods. The install is not easy, and I can't really help you with it since someone else figured it out for me, but it is possible. Check the downloads for more.

The Modding Continues
I haven't given up modding this game yet. In fact, there's been a bit of a resurgence in this game. Check out these new mods for Brothers in Arms, posted just this month!

I still get suggestions for this mod quite often. If you found a bug, then by all means just send me a PM or an email.

However, if you have some new ideas for features or changes, then I another way to get the word out (besides leaving a comment here) is to share it with the other fans on the Gearbox Forums. I have a thread dedicated to this mod going there already, so join the discussion and make some new friends!

Rendroc's WarZone and CommandMod v4.37 for EiB
Rendroc's WarZone and CommandMod v4.37 for EiB

Rendroc's WarZone and CommandMod v4.37 for RtH30
Rendroc's WarZone and CommandMod v4.37 for RtH30

Guest - - 705,614 comments

I know the project is probably long dead but I find it so weird that there was a 4 year gap between updates. It makes me wonder if in 2019 we'll get an update :P

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Rendroc Author
Rendroc - - 162 comments

Very observant! You never know...

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Dando[SVK] - - 694 comments

Damn, is this alive

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