Post news RSS Monthly Developers Update - 1-12

A new update on our development! Next wednesday we will be back with a new animal on display!

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What did we do in November?
November was a month with quite a few new animals that w've shown you! We've shown you the Cougar, Guanaco, Meerkat. But also we showed you some of our progress in coding. We know it was not much you could see there, but we really wanted to show you guys that it is not just animals we're working on, the game is more than just cool animals. We also love to show cool features to make your zoos more realistic.
Other than that we have mostly been working on fixing bugs.


What will we be doing in December?
In December we hope to finish basic visitor pathfinding as it is getting close. Also we will continue the pathing and enclosure systems. Of course we continue posting amazing animals as updates. We know you love them so we continue! We've got a few almost ready to go and these are animals that will be added in later demo updates. Also more coding of course, and the holidays!


Discord Update
To protect the future of our Discord we've decided to change the discord's name to the name of our Studios. This way we can add catagories for future games on this discord to connect people with common interests. The icon for the discord will stay Zoo Manager until we've settled on an official logo. From there we shall do our best to make the discord as good as it is right now or even better! So we'd love to hear your feedback on that.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask these to us on social media or the discord!
Do you know anyone that might like Zoo Manager, make sure to share our social media or the discord with them!

Thank you all for reading.

Projectleader of Zoo Manager
CEO & Community Manager Sifaka Game Studios

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