TT's new public relations person speaking :) , We have a truckload of updates for you guys!!But first to tell you the status of our mod..We have been doing huge progress and the update bar climbed from an estimated 50-60% to a whopping 86.6%!!!We will be beta testing the demo soon to show you guys what we've been working for and the gist of the mod and when thats released,in about 1 month after the release of the demo,we will be releasing a new patch with new weapons,maps and much much more!!
We have been doing a lot of coding,animating,skinning,mapping and modelling progress!The mod is going along nicely and marching proudly foward with big steps .There is currently no problems (check modpage for any available jobs)
Now without further ado...Strap yourself in for 2-3 new pictures and a load of NEW pictures in our mod page gallery!!check em out!!
First, A newly skinned model of the Carcano Rifle.
Full sized picture can be found at : Here
Second, Another skinned model,this time of the madsen machine gun.
Full sized picture can be found at : Here
Last but not least, a pic of our new mapper's map.
Full sized picture can be found at : Here
For a LOT New pictures go to our gallery and check us out :)