Post news RSS Mod put on hold

We, the Battlefield Commander team have decided that we are going to put the mod on hold until the release of C&C 3. At present we havent got the time to dedicate to the mod to get it to a playable point before C&C 3 comes out, so we have decided to wait until C&C 3 comes out and use it instead, this

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We, the Battlefield Commander team have decided that we are going to put the mod on hold until the release of C&C 3. At present we havent got the time to dedicate to the mod to get it to a playable point before C&C 3 comes out, so we have decided to wait until C&C 3 comes out and use it instead, this will allow us to do a lot of things we wanted to do, for example, picking up weapons, turrets that have locked angles (The Blackhawk for instance) and many other things.

So the moddb profile will probably be shut down soon along side with the website and will be re-oppened in a few months time.

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