Welcome to the first ever "mod news roundup" - a new feature we aim to publish weekly. So what is its purpose? The purpose is to cover news affecting modders - so that you all know what is happening, beyond Mod DB. So if you have news you feel is relevant, send it in: news@moddb.com
Lets get started
- Bold Games announces a custom map competition for Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, the WWII Eastern Front FPS. There are some cool prizes up for grabs - so if you know how to map, get involved.
- DesuraNET Launches. What is DesuraNET? You may have noticed the new footer on Mod DB and Addon DB. DesuraNET is new online entertainment company we have launched which will manage Mod DB / Addon DB + all the cool new community driven sites we are planning to create in the coming months. Watch this space!
- Prey releases SDK - grab it here and get modding.
- For the indie game developers, the LawMaker Engine, now has a new $199 Lite edition available. Thanks GameDev
That's it for this weeks roundup. As always - because this is a new feature, we appreciate you feedback, suggestions, complaints etc!
Newgrounds colors!
The idea behind the site was a sun setting... and the stripes are meant to denote power. I think it looks pretty darn good... and our logo gives it that gaming type of feel
Looks very nice - then again why wouldnt it :D
you got it baby!!
You bloody beauty! :D
good new feature
Nice feature, and the site is beautiful
Yes! I noticed the thing in the footer! I was going to make a forum topic about it "ZOMG U ARE MAEKING NEW COPMANY!!LOLWTF?" but the site was down for maintainance :(
Melbourne, VIC - DesuraNET today announced the acquisition of the DB Network, a ring of websites that push the envelope on video game customization and user created content.
:o where in Melbourne?
/me hunts down moddb members.
Good going Full Metal Team Awesome!