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As mentioned before, the name of the Doom 3 modification Ruiner, is changing!

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As mentioned in previous updates; the Doom 3 Ruiner mod is changing names. Along with a jump to the Dhewm 3 gpl engine port, the mod title is up grading. Long in development and over due; Doom 3: Ruiner will is now titled Scarlet Rivensin: The Ruiner. Herald of Death, forge master of the Adamantine Gates. Scarlet is one whom few know, but many fear by a whisper alone. Welcome to Rivensin! URL updates will happen any day now... and so will the return of the long lost website.

quake 123

Along with a name change, our reaper has also received a refresh. Formerly known as Gia, Scarlet has received an update and a hefty backstory. After the upcoming update, this will be finally be told.


Speaking of the upcoming build, progress has continued very smooth. Work has wrapped up for updating the third person aiming system. Aiming has improved greatly for projectile based weapons. More info on the new laser site system will be shown soon. The revamped combat system is almost over. Along with a new aiming system, new defensive abilities are being worked on. One thing the 2010 version of the mod lost was playing as a herald of Death.... one who is feared by the damned and the Divine... someone who's name created shear fear in the heart of Hell. How this will be improved will be apart of the next build preview.


Argoon - - 1,089 comments

Fantastic news, love the new looks.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Armcoon - - 798 comments

Yeah, me too.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
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