Post news RSS MOAM still in developement

I just wanted to whish you happy and prosperous New Year. It has been quite some time since last post so my intention was to post a casual update to tell that this project is not abandoned and still unfinished. I just postponed it too many times.

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Working on single player was becoming being work instead of having fun. Maybe because I wanted too much at the same time... So I switched to Multiplayer. I was trying out different mods and tweaked some of my own. So I will try to join as many multiplayer mods as i can and add them to next release of MOAM. Also I will try to finish the work on the singleplayer part. I am now leaning towards simplicity, because lot of people have trouble installing MOAM when it has so many options. Thats why I will release one version on single player mod (compared to several versions released in 2.6 and 2.7).

Here is actual gameplay footage from Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer mod "100 Enemy Custom Waves Balanced". This mod is planned to be added to "Mother Of All Mods" and also included in Femshep's "ME3 Mod Manager" bundle.

DeMoche - - 4 comments

Will be looking forward to it. Many thanks for keeping it going.

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DamienMondragon - - 6 comments

You are clearly talented and capable, but has anything happened with an good installer for any of the Mother Of All Mods?

I just came across it a few days ago and really like the idea of such access through the Spectre Store, I would buy it as DLC,I wonder how many of the tens of thousands who have looked at the youtube videos would do like wise if it were reasonably priced?

I haven't come up with any updates newer than two or three months. Is there anything similar out there with a good installer?

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