Working on single player was becoming being work instead of having fun. Maybe because I wanted too much at the same time... So I switched to Multiplayer. I was trying out different mods and tweaked some of my own. So I will try to join as many multiplayer mods as i can and add them to next release of MOAM. Also I will try to finish the work on the singleplayer part. I am now leaning towards simplicity, because lot of people have trouble installing MOAM when it has so many options. Thats why I will release one version on single player mod (compared to several versions released in 2.6 and 2.7).
Here is actual gameplay footage from Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer mod "100 Enemy Custom Waves Balanced". This mod is planned to be added to "Mother Of All Mods" and also included in Femshep's "ME3 Mod Manager" bundle.
Will be looking forward to it. Many thanks for keeping it going.
You are clearly talented and capable, but has anything happened with an good installer for any of the Mother Of All Mods?
I just came across it a few days ago and really like the idea of such access through the Spectre Store, I would buy it as DLC,I wonder how many of the tens of thousands who have looked at the youtube videos would do like wise if it were reasonably priced?
I haven't come up with any updates newer than two or three months. Is there anything similar out there with a good installer?
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