Post news RSS Mister Tins 0.8.1 released

The first version of Mister Tins, a puzzle game for PC in a top-down perspective view, is available for download.

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We just released the first demo version of Mister Tins, a puzzle game for PC in a top-down perspective view. The goal of the game is to move boxes to open doors, jump between platforms and different floors, avoid obstacles and find the exit from a labyrinth of rooms.

You can watch a trailer and download the demo version on our official website: or here.

Mister Tins Demo Version 0.8.1

The game is still in development and it will be available for sale around spring 2014. However, if anyone is interested to become a beta tester or to publish some news about the game, please contact us to receive a free premium code.

Here's a screenshot from the current version of the game:

eldisco - - 2 comments

This is a nice game, I enjoyed playing it but stopped on level 5 after around 10 attempts. I felt the game was robbing me, I can see the solution but would die late and have to start all over again.

If you would like my opinion please continue reading. :)

Jumping feels wrong to me. If I hold the jump button down it should just jump once not continuously.
It would be nice to know if a fall is going to kill me. Perhaps make some sort of visual queue for this? Make the depth darker?
The rewind mechanic is great, but:
- It does not go back far enough.
- The warp effect is great looking but interferes with the function.
- Why can't I warp when I'm dead? It becomes a twitch game which feels unintended.
- Perhaps I'm confused by what you're trying to do with this?

If I alt tab out of the game it runs in a window.
On the controls screen it says you can use the D pad, but I could not(I'm using an xbox controller)
On a side note, I hate installers for testing. I installed this on a VM and copied the files to my desktop.

I love the way the camera works. The blocks appearing as you jump is great.

Thanks for the game! Look forward to playing future demos.

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mimec Author
mimec - - 2 comments

Thanks for your comments.

Jumping continuously make it easier to run up the stairs, for example. A lot of games work like this.

I will extend the rewind period slightly and make it possible to rewind after you die in one of the next versions. However the idea is that you can easily undo when you push a block too far, for example. It's not meant to be like in Braid when you can rewind the time back and forth :).

You can use Alt+Enter to switch from window mode to full screen or just maximize the window.

The D pad works for me, maybe there are some API differences. I will investigate this.

I'm very glad that you like the camera in the game - I think that's the one most important and distinctive thing about Mister Tins.

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