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HYPERCHARGE: Unboxed Early Access 2.0 Development Progress.

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There's a lot more to show in our next announcement such as; a new map, enemies and a useful buildable. But for now, take a look at some of the cool things we've been working on:

(Below are WIPs and are not final representations of whats to come in full release of the game)

Behold, the Minigun.

If you find all of its attachments, it can be devastating.

Moving around gets better.
This little neat feature allows the player to grapple onto edges, keeping fluidity should you be quickly jumping from place to place.

Bouncy Balls!
They're not a threat on their own, but in numbers... oh boy!

New Lobby.
You’ll soon have the luxury of having your own Lobby.
Pretty awesome, right!?

We recently attended a Podcast with n3rdabl3, where we talked about ourselves as developers and of course; HYPERCHARGE: Unboxed. Check it out here.

How's the gameplay coming along?
We’re getting nearer to the stage where we can finally start piecing together the core gameplay, as right now it does not balance / work well with what we have implemented so far.

Why not release Early Access 2.0 and just let us play!?

Well, we’ve stated this before, if we were to ship the update now, it would do more harm than good. From a player’s perspective, you would literally be playing something that wouldn’t’ make sense and essentially not be playable. This would only hinder our progress and release.

Okay, when will Early Access 2.0 be released?
We are aiming to release it before the end of this year, if not, then definitely early 2019.

Well, how are people going to know about the game?
We have been creating a marketing plan that we believe will be effective for the release of Early Access 2.0. Our priority is to have as many people as possible to play the game.

I do realise it’s very frustrating. You just want to play the game and see how everything is going. All I can say is; thank you from the bottom of our hearts for sticking by us. Your patience and kindness only motivates us more. To all our fans, thank you!

Thanks for reading and remember, we have a Newsletter and Discord channel you may like to join.

I hope you have a good start to your week. Take care and see you all soon.

Digital Cybercherries Ltd.

_WulfKang_ - - 460 comments

By the gods. This is simply outstanding. A crazy idea that I've always wanted to be brought to life from my old days of messing with action figures. This is a childhoood dream right there. Great work thus far, I bought the early access version and I have to say I'm fairly impressed so far.

It's very intense and action packed. Quite tactical too, You have to play your cards right to survive against the horrendous hordes of other toys coming to claim the core! Great work lads, I can't wait for you guys to pump out this new update! I already got some friends getting some money together to snatch it up early. Good luck lads!

I also hope ya'll didn't mind my little review on this over at my group. Nothing but praises to be sure!

- Your humble scribe, WulfKang.

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Joe_H04 Author
Joe_H04 - - 61 comments

Thank you again WulfKang. I really do appreciate your kind words.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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