Post news RSS Mindworld: Special Article #9

Introducing the ninth article of this series, we are releasing another new track by Alex Michajlow and some personal words to the team.

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Another month has gone by since we released our first soundtrack by Alex Michajlow called "Mindworld Soundscapes I". Today we bring you another new track and some information about our future development.

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This article is most likely going to be the last one for Mindworld for the year 2011. I'm going to go on vacation for the holidays and won't have the time to work on the project. Besides, I have to make some really important decisions for my professional life and see where I can go and what road I'm going to take for a career, starting in 2012.

For me personally, this doesn't mean that anything really changes for the development of Mindworld. No matter how time consuming my job(s) are going to be, I'm still going to find some time to keep working on this. Plus, the team has shown that it is capable of working without leadership from time to time. I'm confident that this project is going to get finished, as I've already proven that I'm capable of working 40 hours+ in my professional life and around 20 hours+ on the project per week, even if it is exhausting as hell. Mindworld is not just another project for me that I've started, but I'm 100% sure that the concept behind it and the way we realize it is good enough to compete with every other game and not just that, but also leave an impression on the player.

Since this is most likely going to be the last article for the year, I'd like to give a little review and take the chance to thank everyone who worked with me, contributed something or simply showed interested and believed in us.

The idea to develope a game like Mindworld started with a partly lucid dream I had and I was struck by it so intense that I started to develope first ideas on paper right after I opened my eyes. Shortly after that, I hired a writer to help me define the story. I loved working with him, but he had to leave for an unknown reason. Still, even though he might never read this: SquidWink, thanks for being the first person who not only believed in my crazy concept, but also joined me and helped me develope it even further.

After that more and more people came and some stayed for the ride. I'm more than grateful to have such amazing talent working with me, I've never imagined that it would go so well. That's why I want to give a few people on the team some personal words:

Leiste: We are working on Mindworld for such a long time already, it feels like you've been there right from the get go and you are not only an amazingly talented writer with a great passion for creative writing, but also an admirable person. Your desire to push the story forward and make it mean something is something I truly respect. But that's not all, you've taken and completed tasks that weren't part of your actual position in order to help me out in stressful times. I'm really glad to have you on board, not just for writing, but as a partner throughout the whole development. You're a good friend by now.

Jeannot: You have a very similar drive for high quality production like Leiste has and you're very capable of having responsibilities. That's not just a good combination for building a career, but for life in general. I have no doubt that you're going to get the position in the professional industry you're aiming for. The mindset of let's-get-this-done in you is very inspiring, never give that up.

Alex Michajlow: We are working together for a long time already, too. I've stated it already some while back, but you're an inspiration for me as an artist and as a person. Having a look at the overall production since Mindworld started, you've been the one with the most consistent workflow. I find that very astonishing as an artist, because it already seems like you don't even know things like artblocks or something even close to that. It seems like you have very little problems with timing in general, you're highly reliable and always give me a good sense of security. What I find inspiring about you as a person is the way you interact with us as a team and with me as an individual. You're always open for new things and I've experienced you as a very nice and friendly person overall.

Kamil Orman Janowski: I know a lot of people who are working their asses off to achieve something. But, you're the most hardworking person I've met yet. Your discipline to start, work out and finish quality content is amazing. Same with you, I have absolutely no doubt that you're going to be a well-known composer, if that's what you want. You're definitely one of those people who achieve what they want, because they can stick with it and work through every problem they face. You can be very proud already, although I'm pretty sure that you're not satisfied yet, haha. The will of a warrior.

Sonya: Even though we haven't had that much contact and you're not on the team for such a long time yet, I'm very impressed. In the meetings you always come up with great ideas. If I'd ever have to describe you, I'd say that you're like the much needed breeze on a hot summer day. I experience you as a very vivid individual with the skill to actually think outside the box and find new ways other people haven't even thought of, because they were only going down one road.

Adam: Even though most of your work was for concepts and experimenting, you've been with us for quite a long time already, aswell. I still exactly remember the little gmod video you did with those guards, that caught my attention. Your skill in video post production and recording is great. You're really active outside Mindworld too, sharpening your skills. What I find so great about that is that you work on many different topics and themes, that makes you a very experienced, thus valuable member for us. I cannot wait until we shoot the cinematics to work together with you and produce awesome footage.

Of course, I want to thank the rest of the team, aswell (Alex, David, Paul and all the people that joined us and contributed a few things here and there). I hope that you guys can stay with me until we've completed the full project and beyond. Everyone in the team deserves a lot of respect and I hope that the new guys on the team are going to stay with us, too. I'm very excited about 2012 and what I'm going to say at the end of next year.

And not to forget, I also want to thank everyone in the community for supporting us with comments and motivating words. Your continous interest in the project makes it easier for us to go through slower times and make the good times even more appreciable.

One last reminder for you guys. Don't forget to get your hands on our first soundtrack as long as it's still available. The shop is going to be closed on Christmas Eve, so check out the details about the "Mindworld Christmas Donation", if you haven't heard of it yet right here:

Or click on the cd cover below to get to the shop right away:

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We wish everyone happy holidays and a great new year. See you in 2012!

Alex Michajlow has composed a new track for us, which is a bit creepier again. The tracks in the following months are likely going to have a similar approach like "Reprisal" does. I'm a big fan of this new track.

More articles covering other positions in the team or background information about our development are going to be published monthly, every second Friday of the month.

- Kjell 'iQew' Bunjes
(Team Leader and Art Director)

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Dr.Goupyl - - 2,269 comments

Well have a good holiday you deserve it ! ;)

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jjawinte - - 5,064 comments

You certainly have gained the respect and admiration of your crew Q, and many of us out here on the fringe. You are indeed a focused and talented individual and I wish you much success in whichever career path you choose.

Happy holidays to you Q and the entire outstanding " Mindworld " team.

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