Shipment Inventory:
1. Franchi Spas 12 (Quantity x15)
2. Beretta PX4 Storm (Quantity x7)
3. H&K Mk. 23 Socom and Attchments (Quantity x6)
4. 18" Machete (Quantity x3)
5. Humvee in Matt Black Paint (Quantity x2)
The shipment arrived on-time with no reported faults with any of the equipment, however, several of the courier crew have been reported missing since docking. A search team has been dispatched. We are still waiting to establish contact with the search team.
Glad to see all the good comments. We'll see what we can do about releasing asap.
This is sweet guys, keep it up.
Great textures on everything, the detail is great, really makes the models "pop"
I would love to see some dried mud splashes on the Hummer. Excellent work, guys.
mac support? well yah looks GrEaT
Looking good.
Out of interest, why would anyone feel the need to use a *silenced* weapon, when fighting dinosaurs? All it would do is reduce muzzle velocity. Since they can smell you, stealth wouldn't be an option.
Jurassic Rage has two opposing human teams, and so a silenced weapon would be useful for that purpose (as humans can't smell you and such), and silencers will be detachable.
Thanks for the comments guys, we'll take eveything into account.
Ah that reminds me, I've updated the music on the 'files' area of our website, check them out,
Sorry for double-posting! =/
Nice specialy like the spas
Skins look kick ***, same as models, keep it up
Loving the textures, keep up the good work!
Isn't there supposed to be an ejection port on that shotgun...otherwise the bullets aint gonna come out.
its on the other side.
Heh, beat me to it. Yes, ejection ports are aways on the right of a gun. Why? Because even if you're left handed, you shoot a gun right-handed, its just how it works! :) (Counter-Strike is arcade style, theres absolutely nothing realistic about it, so don't base things on that).
Plus its not the bullets which come out of the ejection port.. its the empty shells ;)
Great media update, I was begining to lose faith in you guys. Keep up the excellent work... and try and release sometime in the next year or so ;)
BUt with most mods these days we will only release when its done!
Sexy SOCOM...
Awesome stuff!