New Items
We have added new items and customizations: Sword with Knuckle-Bow, Assassin's Hood, Short-Tailed Sallet, Kettle Hat with High Top Point, Cross-Hilt Dagger, Throwing Knife, Arch-Shaped Throwing Axe, Heavy Padded Leather with Cowl/Hood, Short-Tailed Sallet with Grey/Black Mask, Short-Tailed Sallet with Wreath, Light/Normal Green/Red/Blue Brigandine with Cuisses, Aketon with Kneecops, Aketon with Black Cuisses.
New Maps
There are 3 new maps in the rotation: Village on the Hill is a spacious battle map, Ahmerrad Arena is a small duel map and Ambean Castle is a siege map with a castle linked to a village by a bridge.
In-Game Scores
Not only kills are shown on the scoreboard, now players get additional scores for kill assists, for killing captains, dismounting cavalrymen, capturing or defending flags.
Other Changes
- Added 19 clan banners.
- The Strong Back perk allows to carry up to 3 bags of throwing weapons but limits the total weight of the bags to 5.0.
- Disallowed to shoot long bows while jumping.
- Disallowed all actions while rearing.
- The master of the field mode starts 30 seconds earlier.
- Allowed to cheer while crouching.
- Added clan advantages: Spear Supply, Appreciation of Cartwrights. Reduced the cost of Shield Supply.
- Added total fame to the clan page and the leaderboard.
- Reworked the list of recent achievements.
- Slightly reworked the leaderboard. Now the dependence on the K/D ratio is non-linear.