Post news RSS Media Spree

Today, I will begin my spree of media updates. My mod has been silent for so long now, and I have plenty of cool pictures to show my progress, and hopefully convince you to get the V0.3 when it is done ;) I will post one to three pictures a day. Today, I only have one, a poor one too, but I hope you

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Today, I will begin my spree of media updates. My mod has been silent for so long now, and I have plenty of cool pictures to show my progress, and hopefully convince you to get the V0.3 when it is done ;) I will post one to three pictures a day. Today, I only have one, a poor one too, but I hope you guys like it.

Conscripts Guarding Crystals

This picture may be poor, but it showcases a few things.

1) The Deyukkuketsukei Conscript: Poor alone, but a threat in numbers, these soldiers cost $20, and can mob the enemy.

2) The Kalar Crystals: Anyone who has played the Command & Conquer games will understand how this works. These crystals are collected for your money. They spawn around an orb, and never run out (technically).

3) Forests: They are indestructible. Although infantry can move through it fine, vehicles may have problems. It can be anywhere from turning a lot, to impassible no matter what.

I will post more tomorrow, and I will continue each day, with new pictures and features.


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