Post news RSS Media Release 5 - Anti-Aircraft and Rocket Launchers!

About time we got around to another media release! Things are going well here, though we still don't have any coders to get this stuff ingame, or texture artists to make it look pretty. The first set of images today are the Orange Star and Black Hole Anti-Aircraft Tanks. These vehicles provide

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About time we got around to another media release! Things are going well here, though we still don't have any coders to get this stuff ingame, or texture artists to make it look pretty.

The first set of images today are the Orange Star and Black Hole Anti-Aircraft Tanks. These vehicles provide valuable anti-aircraft fire to keep helicopters and bombers away from the troops on the ground. Their not to bad in an anti-infantry role either.

Draconia AA Platform MAAV "Caracal" Vulcan Platform

Also today we have both sides new rocket launchers. The role these weapons play on the field is pretty straightforward; point at enemy armour and pull the trigger!

Requiem Rocket Gun RR-6 IPAAW Recoiless Rifle

That's all for our media release!

open_sketchbook Author
open_sketchbook - - 1,602 comments

Player models are not easy to make, and neither I nor the modeller are skilled enough to do it. We need help!

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AcidBarrel - - 88 comments

Wheres the Player models at? :(

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WriteNoWrong - - 58 comments

Player models take knowledge in anatomy, and consequently take a lot more time and skill. Bringing the idea that we want a specific look for the player characters that hasn't been done yet, we are in the search for a good character modeler.

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(((=ReNeGaDe=))) - - 50 comments

Make the players faceless, or just draw it cartoony. We need nothing too detailed, it WAS a Nintendo game after all...

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open_sketchbook Author
open_sketchbook - - 1,602 comments

Well, you see, the aim of the mod is the to recreate the Advance Wars universe in a plausible way. Basically treating it as though it were a "real life" or historical war modification. Every weapon is getting a history, every nation a backstory, every vehicle a designing company. The idea is more than just bring over a few 16 bit sprites into 3d. The project is real and serious.

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