It's Independence Day, and we're a bit late and sorry with the release of this patch not coming on May 4th, we wanted to make sure this patch was very polished to ensure that both the number of bug reports decreases, and so the enjoyment factor remains top notch! Happy Fourth of July to our American audience, and we hope you enjoy the new features and content added!
As the mod starts to run, you’ll begin to notice some big improvements across the board and we hope you’ll be pleased and appreciate all these new changes that’s been made and gone into the mod’s development, to try and bring it up to standard of some of the more modern Jedi Academy mods out there, such as Movie Battles II. As this is our fifth update of the mod, be aware that there are some unresolved issues you may no doubt run into. Some of them the team are aware of, but feel free to post and leave any feedback about any bugs you find, so we can get them addressed and fixed, for when the next update comes.
But enjoy the updated version and rest assured, that the team are still constantly working hard to deliver a fun and immersive Star Wars experience.
May the Force be with you, always.
- Movie Duels Team
damn i falled in love with the new animations you guys are the ******* best i remember when i was a boy and downloaded movie duels 1 and loved it, now years later its amazing how this mod growed and improved, it really shows the love and dedication we fans have for star wars, you guys have actually created a game from scratch and put everything a fan would dream of, even the new duels and fights and characters being added.
If i was Disney i would hire you guys no doubt i mean, i watch the new series, movies and what not but what we really need is Jedi Academy 3 with all the features you added and made from scratch.
Pls disney hire this guys and give them complete freedom as you do with all your new ****** star wars projects.
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Massive fan is there any chance of adding electric judgement/justice for characters like Plo Koon and Luke Skywalker I feel it would add so much to the game and make both of those characters even more unique
big up yourself keep up the amazing work
I am wondering when you are going to release the dark forces campaign to movie duels?
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