Post news RSS Mauv HD

We're currently working on a HD version of Mauv that will replace the current one on the AppStore. Additionally, we're creating a custom Mac and WiiU version.

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We're currently working on a HD version of Mauv that will replace the current one on the AppStore. Furthermore, we're creating a custom version of the game for the Mac Store and WiiU E-Shop. We also hope to distribute on PC/Steam in the near future. The HD version should be complete sometime in February and available as early as March.

The HD version will include an overhaul that will expand upon the existing gameplay/content and also change the story line at certain intervals during the original version. We are also considering adding a new playable character with an Airship to allow for easy travel across the world and also for our convenience should we add content in future mods. The current loot system will be scrapped and a new inventory based system will be implemented- including new tools and potentially weapons and armour.

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