Greetings fans!
It's my pleasure to present some follow up items (and new ones) in this month's update.
First, let me reintroduce perhaps one of the greatest artists that I've had the pleasure to work with.
Chopin, our 3d texture artist, may be familiar from other mods such as Modern Combat. I don't think we've really introduced him here, so it is my pleasure to introduce him to you guys today.
The majority of textures you've seen, minus infantry skins, have been done by Chopin. And he's not showing any signs of stopping.
This month, we are proud to present the textures he has created for the weapons we showcased last month, and the humvee (also from last month). Aidas2 and Chopin seem to be a dream team when it comes to making models!
So with that, enjoy the pictures, and we hope to have something really exciting for you for next month's update.
the ZM team
Yay, you mentioned me! :D
among an uncountable number of people in the category "fans" :p
Great job Chopin and Aidas. Keep up the work.
so hwen will you release and will there be tanks or apcs in the game when finfished
Will release when it's done and there will be 1 apc, but we will reveal it later.
Found a way to make CoH work on 7?
What you mean? If you're asking if Coh works on Win 7, then yes it does and it always did.