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Good news! PD-Felicity is done, and I must say that, thus far, it is the most visually and technically accurate map. While the door sounds are a bit, well, unrefined, the rest of the map is superb! Also, I'd like to get a consensus on what to do for in-game music. Should I integrate the music into the

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Good news! PD-Felicity is done, and I must say that, thus far, it is the most visually and technically accurate map. While the door sounds are a bit, well, unrefined, the rest of the map is superb!

Also, I'd like to get a consensus on what to do for in-game music. Should I integrate the music into the levels (much bigger map file, but music and level are downloaded together), separate the music into their own files (map files stay small, music files each downloaded separately), or package the music together (map files stay small, music package files large, but few overall music downloads)?

To cast your vote, e-mail me at or use the poll on the forums.

ShortCutMan - - 806 comments

You should have one big download with everything! Having everything in seperate files is annoying. :(

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