Map one is ready. The second one is being finished now. The first one is a common entrance and storage area, while the second one is a prison keep and some headquaters to SS. The first level is basic and not really big, but the second one has a lot more secrets and it takes all the space that you can use in Wolfenstein to create a map. I will finish it today, and tomorrow the third and maybe the fourth map will be in development. I had some problems with placing the guards on different skill level because of the level design - the level was too hard or too easy, never medium as I wanted. Anyway, I just lowered the number of guards and everything's working fine - the gameplay is high (heh, at least I think so, lol). I've posted a new screenshot from development process in WDC - the first version of 2nd map. If you are really curious how it looked an hour or two ago - check it out in the TLM gallery.
Release date still January - keep the faith, hehe!