Our most recent preview will unveil the Islands surrounding Italy. Join us on a trip through Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica.
And as always, Enjoy :D
Our first screenshot is a zoomed out view of the entire island of Sicily
As we zoom in on the northeastern corner of the island, we see the city of Messana, lieing in the shadows of a great volcano, much like Capua
Moving to the southern coast of the island, the cities of Syracuse and Agrigentum become visible
We end our journey through Sicily at the western shores, where the city of Lilybaeum resides
Traveling across the sea, we land at the islands of Sardinia and Corsica. Our first look is at the southern island of Sardinia, dominated by the city of Nora
Moving north, we end up at our final stop, the island of Corsica, home to Aleria
The Island of Sicily is divided into four different regions:
(East to West)
Sicilia Poeni (Lilybaeum)
Cameratum (Agrigentum)
Sicilia Romanus (Messana)
Sicilia Graecus (Syracuse)
The other two islands off the eastern coast of Italy are Sardinia and Corsica:
Sardinia (Nora)
Corsica (Aleria)