I was working on this map a while ago, which can be seen on my YouTube channel (like here). I stopped working on the map because of too much homework, but now I've continued developing the map for team-based game modes.
The map will have game modes like Squad Elimination (TDM without respawning, working with rounds), Capture the Flag and King of the Hill. I cannot promise all these game modes on the release, but there will be some team-based game modes; at least TDM.
Because you'll be playing as a team in this large map, you will be given a purple smoke grenade so you can point something out; like where you could use some help, where the enemies are, etc.
The screenshot you see is only the half of the map. The other half also has a bit of a forest, giving the players free space to move, which also might be good for snipers and spotting. I will make a video about the map shortly after it's finished.
Feel free to give feedback on the map, like what it might need or is missing. I appreciate it. :)