Post news RSS Map continuation: Village

I was working on this map a while ago, which can be seen on my YouTube channel. I stopped working on the map because of too much homework, but now I've continued developing the map for team-based game modes...

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Village - Ravage Online

I was working on this map a while ago, which can be seen on my YouTube channel (like here). I stopped working on the map because of too much homework, but now I've continued developing the map for team-based game modes.

The map will have game modes like Squad Elimination (TDM without respawning, working with rounds), Capture the Flag and King of the Hill. I cannot promise all these game modes on the release, but there will be some team-based game modes; at least TDM.
Because you'll be playing as a team in this large map, you will be given a purple smoke grenade so you can point something out; like where you could use some help, where the enemies are, etc.

Purple smoke grenade

The screenshot you see is only the half of the map. The other half also has a bit of a forest, giving the players free space to move, which also might be good for snipers and spotting. I will make a video about the map shortly after it's finished.

Feel free to give feedback on the map, like what it might need or is missing. I appreciate it. :)

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