Post news RSS Malfunction's Future (2018)

This article will be discussing where you can expect to see Malfunction in the coming future.

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Update - 8/15/18:

Hello! I know it's been a very long time since this game page has been updated, so let's just get right to the bottom of it.

Where have you been?

If you haven't been following too much, I have just released my next project "Hectic" onto Steam.

This project is what was taking all of my attention. Though it has since been finished and is in a pretty stable state. If that's something you're interested in, be sure to check it out.

What happens now?

With Hectic being finished, I have decided that ALL of my attention will now be towards updates. Yes, that means Malfunction as well.

Malfunction Cover Blur

Malfunction's Future:

Malfunction was a very long and insane project to work on. Though after finishing and taking a final glance at it, there is something about the game that just doesn't feel right. That being the UI.

Malfunction will soon be getting a UI overhaul. This may take quite some time but you sure can expect to see it's progress on this page.

Once it's finished I will also be sure to release a demo (possibly with more content to explore).

It's good to be back!

I cannot wait to start sharing progress with you all again. Thanks for sticking around this long! Stay tuned for the major changes!

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