Three issues.
- If you want to check out how our cleaned-up, reformed team looks like and welcome our new programmer, Foddex, to the team, go to
- If you want to hear more about a cowardly source code stealer that has had his hands on many Half-Life projects, go to
- If you want to see mr. P's mapping skills in action (we are presenting his newest map, "Memory"), go to
That is all.
Thank you! Bless you!
First off, the good news is great, as for that story about that idiot hankY I can only extend my deepest sympathy. How one person can quite possibly get their thrills from destroying the hopes of a mod team is beyond me. I mean making a mod is a challenge enough on its own without such immature wankers making it even harder.
Can't live with 'em..
Can't find them in real life to kill them ;)
Thats like the 5th reported code theft recently, damn people..
Project timeless be ware, dont let any new coders in unless they are close people.
and sorry to hear this Destiny, this mod has been under dev for so long, sad to hear this happen at this time.