I've decided to make the creating of a survival mode a priority. I don't intend to make it a fully featured thing any time soon, but it'll be nice to get a bare bones idea of it released. So I'm wondering what you think would be important things to add?Also, this won't be like Minecraft where it's open ended. This'll be a "survive for so many waves" style of gameplay. As such it can be scored, so that'll add some degree of competitiveness.So yes, please share any ideas and opinions on this matter!
I already intend to have, with the new mode but not necessarily all of them of it:- Degradable blocks (Break at different speeds depending on the tool you're using).- Dropped items (When breaking some blocks, you'll recieve items from them).- Particles (Bits of debris from where you hit and destroy blocks).- Day and Night (Should be seen as build/break period and defend/survive period).- Torches (Point lights for these, there'll still probably be no smoothing for the sun/global lighting).- Bigger maps (This will involve options for Creative mode but will be fixed at 128 by 128 by 32 for Survival).- 1 Friendly mob (To kill for food in Survival. Will probably be the Terrabbit!).- At least 1 enemy mob (Zombie is most probable bet).- Crafting system (I'm thinking like Minecraft, but I want more slots for more complex items later on).- Growing trees and grass (Grass will spread and saplings will eventually become trees).- Various tools, weapons and other items (And grades of these things, the differences in usefulness will be dramatic).
Major survival update news from jack!
After waiting so long we can take a look at the list whats been going on so secretly and what can we wait in the next Major update!
Posted by Guma on
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